

Cambridge is the gorgeous city famous across the world for its  stunning university which inspired minds like Charles Darwin and Stephen Hawking!

Cambridge University
Cambridge University boasts many stunning buildings and courtyards – there’s lots to see and walk around. The city is beautiful but packed with hordes of tourists during the daytime! You can book an organised sightseeing tour, or explore by yourself.

Punting on the River Cam
Punting is probably the best way to see some of the colleges. You can share a punt which is driven by a guide, or you can get your own!
*TOP TIP* make sure you watch the guide boats and observe their technique before taking on your own. I was trying to paddle my punt (which definitely did not work).
It’s a great way to spend an hour and is actually quite fun when you get to grips with how to steer correctly.

Food 🙂
I had a delicious dinner at The Senate Bistro and watched the sun set behind one of the colleges which was stunning.

If you’re interested in museums / going into every college then you could probably fill a weekend in Cambridge, but I’d suggest a day trip is enough to take it in 🙂

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